Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
March 21st, 2010: What's a Cuir Bouilli, anyway?
The day started off with some soloing, a quick couple pages worth of Ochu dispatching. Nasty things, but Cin and Delphyne pulled through! They've got awful breath, but what differentiates them from the sweaty Elvaan dude at the Auction House is their breath gives you the effects of paralysis, gravity, bind, and silence in addition to the usual gag reflex.
Then it was off to harass the locals en route to Kazham. I'm easily amused, so having a belt that turns me into one of the sillier enemies is a recipe for entertainment. There's just something about being cute and adorable that I really enjoy. Then I used my belt and became a Mandragora.
After making some purchases at the Auction House for myself and a couple Final Fantasy Mentors - Tam and Tib - I stopped to port the young miss Fitali to the Crag of Dem en route to repatriating to Bastok. Isn't money the reason everyone becomes a healer?
Before finally making my way to Kazham, a quick stop in Port Bastok was necessary to secure my very own Linkpearl. I wanted a pink one, dang it, so I got one! I proudly repped that thing as proof that I got the juice!
The trio reunited, I'm sure they were just thrilled when I handed them pink linkshells. After some debate we decided that Green would be an acceptable color that wasn't blue, and would also fit the cannabis-theme of THC Unlimited, Ltd.
We did a handful of pages of in Yhoator Jungle, at and one point they asked me to pull. So I did, scoring three wasps, followed by a Goblin aggro and another wasp during the fight. It was completely intentional, because I have absolute faith in our abilities. Srsly.
Also, I want one of those glowing purple plants for my Mog House, even though they're probably poison. Then again, leaving my moogle at home in a house filled with toxins might be a recipe for success.
Topping the day off, I finally scored my Cuir Bouilli, completing the set. Well, somewhat, since the legs and feet and the high quality versions. I at least match now, and all my equipment save my Bastokan Ring and Signal Pearl are newly aquired within the last eight days.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Layout Test: March 17th Excursion
Our trio standing over the victim of a goblin aggro in the Yuhtunga Jungle. Never ones to leave those in need, we sacrificed the buffs we spent precious tabs on to raise our fallen comrade.
Why can't more linkshells be fun? No, they're all blue, or maybe black. Yellows, Greens, and Browns are nowhere to be found, so when I saw this gorgeous little thing, I had to have it (the pink linkshell, not the busty loli mithra!).
She spurned my advances (for a LINKSHELL!)
Tam mentioned the Gusgen Mines had a ton of Ghoul spawns, and she graciously accompanied me on my quest. And it took all of four kills (well, three, her second yielded the Magicked Skull before I finished my second off) to find it!