Monday, July 12, 2010


There you have it, my second major Linkshell dropped, because of drama on the first night, hours after getting it. A few of us new members complained, and did eventually get some weak apologies mostly relating to having the debate in public while defending what it devolved into.

(For the record, this is the same debate we mentioned as it was beginning that it should be behind closed doors. The same person they were talking about said it as well.)

And the real issue of a leader losing his cool and making unprovoked sexist, sexual comments towards another member was glossed over (and he wasn't the only person throwing out "hunny"). Apparently if someone's wrong about something it's okay to talk down and make obscene comments about them. The best we got was a "that was wrong, sowie," while the rest of the cast said it was deserved. Bending over backwards to help people, in this linkshell, seems to excuse that sort of behavior.

Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it. I went into that linkshell hoping to spend the rest of my XI time there, and that's what I was treated to. So I'm out, and the sad truth is I wasn't the only new person to leave.

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